Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm finally getting a new pair of shades,
I ask my grandmother for $5,
just like that I got it,
my dad, little bit difficult lah,
but he gave me $10.
so I only pay $2.90.
I'm buying at BHG.
Tomorrow, maybe I going Pasir Ris Park,
MAYBE, gatecrash Shafique's class gathering,
I not that mean.
Ask EGG babes already,
but not confirm.
So maybe I going alone,
listen to music,
Anyone want go with me?
Actually got a guy ask me watch him perform,
but I not sure where.
& that was the first time a guy
sort of ask me out,
and I decline.
wth rite?
Just want to have some fun tomorrow, last day of 2007.
A very dramatic year for me,
say goodbye to naive old me,
& hello new matured me.