Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I don't mean that
I was being really edgy on Wednesday,
Sorry Jeremy for shouting at you on MSN.
It was the stress of exams,
I really broke down that night.
Compos down,
main papers for EL and ML too.
Happy BELATED birthday Chuting!
Happy Birthday Mum!
I had a weird dream the other day.
One day, Mrs Lock wanted to quit teaching.
And wanted to take over her sister's duck rice stall,
(i don't even know if she has a sister)
So, the scene changed to me standing beside Zulikraam,
and next to him was my mother.
Told Mum about Mrs Lock quitting teaching,
then she looked at me,
and turned back to stare at something that Zul was also staring at.
I do not know why Zul suddenly appear in my dream.
Okay, then, suddenly, I was in our first level classroom.
The whole 2r7 was there except Syahid and Natasya.
Dunno why.
Ok, so the screen was down.
George had turned to glare at me,
And I was glaring at him back,
I remembered I was angry at him because of something, but don't know exactly what.
I spotted something familiar on the screen.
It was Pepper,
and Mrs Lock was holding a knife dripping with blood on one hand
and Pepper on the other.
I assumed she KILLED PEPPER.
(exactly how, I wonder as he wasn't even alive to begin with)
Suddenly stood up dropping my chair, with George still glaring at me.
Ran to the screen and started clawing it.
Without any reason, the whole dream changed to me being at TM alone and only the shopkeeper of the shop where we are making our tees.
I asked the keeper if my shirt was ready,
He took it out,
it was really plain,but nice at the same time.
Its black, and the words are red and white.
When I unfolded that shirt,
inside was a MIDDLESBROUGH jersey,
but somehow it looked like Barcelona jersey?
But it had the word 'Middlesbrough' printed on it.
So I unfolded that shirt, and out come posters of different sizes.
At that point I suddenly woke up,
thinking that finally, the class tee had been made,
but no.
So I went back to sleep
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
It Ain't that sweet
Nat didn't come today.
Very bored
Relatively very boring day.
Stayed back outside AVA there,
Zee was there.
Weisheng and gang swarmed the table I was sitting at,
then Alvin and Weisheng play Tennis with his phone and mine.
I practically suck at that.
Kay, so I stayed back and study.
practiced my Math-algebraic fractions
and did a mindmap on World population growth.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Feeling real hyper,
cause I got my phone back.
Lit was slack cause Mr Lim had nothing for us to do.
So I revised my Math, later got Math test.
I have completely forgotten about Chapter 5!
That was the time when I was slacking during Math,
cause Miss Chua is really very boring.
History next, and I got only 10 for March holiday assignment.
Effort doesn't really count in this test though(my opinion).
I didn't bring home my History textbook during the one week hols,
and I actually searched for it on the Net,
and found this powerpoint slides sharing site.
The ppt on the whole chapter was there!
And since you need to have an account to download it,
I just copied and typed (literally) onto a word document.
Then, I had to write the whole essay out.
Thats effort okay.
But relax, I still get 9.
Cause source-based qs I got 1/10,
overall is 10,
so I get 9 for essay (:
Okay so all of the above info was redundant.
Recess stayed in class to revise for Math again.
Mother Tongue, we went through Northbrooks Secondary exam paper.
Fell asleep again,
cause yesterday watch Heroes season finale,
Don't think I'll watch season 2.
Math test!
Okay, so i had spent Lit and recess period to study for chap 5,
then I didn't study for chap 10 -.-
The questions on chap 10 was damn hard la.
Left some of them blank.
I thought after math was break so, I so happy,
then see that noone stood up.
Then Weisheng say it wasn't break,
then sat down.
Science did mindmap again,
mindmap is quite effective.
EL, when Mrs Lock addressed the issue on verbal bullying.
I was thinking of G.
Damn that G.
Cursed him again today.
IPW was cool,
Jeremy's group obviously will ACE their IPW.
This is what Shai told me about what he did with Pepper.
Jeremy holds Pepper and pokes Syahid with Pepper's hand
"Bad Syahid(points middle finger.)"
Okay that sounded a bit confusing.
Kay, nevermind.
Actually wanted to sit outside AVA.
Zulaiha and Farahin went to study with me.
Then Zul wanted to go tmart to buy bubble tea for a while,
and we ended up studying at MC at tmart there
You damn good la you, you were already there when I came,
then when I go home you still there!
Today will post lots of pictures,
but very outdated.
the last picture on my phone was during Sports Meet-28 March
(three weeks ago)
On the way,
waiting for another mrt
Farahin's funny face lol
Lift, basement level, EAST POINT
Tauhidah looks like she's strangling herself.
burnt cookie
julian's drawing
Sakae Sushi trip
notice steph's hands
how much the guys ate.
thats all.
Monday, April 21, 2008
When the day met the nght
I have disciplined myself to start studying,
cause I have been slacking a lot lately.
(I don't study for tests)
Just started cursing G cause he can do it,
so why did we have to give in to him?
I seriously like Anderson's accent la.
The way he speaks is like,
when I'm doing my work,
I will stop and listen to his voice.
Okay, I sound stalker-ish.
Math was blah,
Throw Pepper around.
I agree with some tworsevenians that we have no class spirit.
Cause seriously.
Look at the amount of bitching we have in the class.
I think I'll make my own jersey, thank you very much.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Never that simple
Yesterday was freaky.
HZ gave me a piece of advice that I don't think I will ever follow.
Cause its just not me.
Thanks Aida for lending me Pretty Odd.
Sorry I caused a scratch on it.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Bogusly Real
Investiture was okay.
I admit I was showing favouritism by clapping for some
and not clapping for others.
Hui Hui's speech was,
just wow.
Read Shai's blog on how she and Nat can't get over the fact that Celeste is real pretty.
Went library today with Farhana, Amirah, Zulaiha and Farahin.
Missed her loads.
Hugged her like shit.
Feeling emo,
shall not talk about ANYTHING in detail.
You stood out in the crowd.
All I could see were the nasco chairs and you alone.
I shouldn't have gone to the investiture,
cause it only reminded me of you graduating.
You were all that I ever wanted,
except that you can never be mine.
Happy Advanced Birthday.
Even if you never read this.
You kept me going when I was having a rough time at school.
You made my day, yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.
I will miss you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
funky yellow boots
Okay, quick post.
Universal Music Group has released Flyleaf's Fully Alive music video three days ago.
I have to admit I never bother looking the video up since I thought Flyleaf didn't have a major record deal.
It turns out they did though.
A pair or earpiece/headphones(monster or those like Imen's)
MCR shirt
I seriously need shoes.
My school shoes are worn out,
while the sole of my slipper is too thin, I can fall anytime.
My flats are starting to wore out
and my sneakers are blegh.
Feeling greedy la.
Those aren't my specs.
(Look below)
You'll be missed.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You won't understand
First time late for school.
I shouldn't have brought my Math 2B textbook,
cause today got Math Olympiad.
REMINDER: Link Jarratt and Khalid
I will so be watching it
Psst, featuring The Click Five.
Speaking of them, they coming to Singapore for their tour.
It would be great if I catch them live.
Speaking of tours...
My Chemical Romance is almost finishing their Black Parade tour,
after which they would start recording for the new album.
Speaking of albums(so many speaking of),
Panic At The Disco released a new one called, Pretty Odd.
Maybe I shall go buy?
Monday, April 14, 2008
So what?
The title is random.
So class was a bit fun today.
My butt still hurt from sitting on the bike too long.
I brought Jessie's bubbles,
which she didn't want.
So I bring lor, go extra.
Then all the people at the back right side, right back side(backside!), back on the right,
played with the leftover balloon from Saturday's party,
which I filled with water.
It look like a boob,
"Jeremy, I think you drop your boob."
2r7's going to Beijing,
I'll probably be going for the experience la.
But damn ex, even after it has been subsidized
and if Dad can afford this,
I sound so materialistic, sheesh.
I feel guilty, yet again.
Will not elaborate.
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
the prostitute is a transexual la
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
then what is transexual sia?
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
my english kinda suck
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
guy have sex change operation
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
become girl
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
people dunno how to appreciate their own gender
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
he cut off his _____ ?
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
ya lor
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
NO LA, they still have their penis
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
that measn they hav both?
Dory is reading Harry Potter says:
no, they have a penis, and they do sex with a guy so its penis to penis
'wEi__sHeNg 1-12 1053r says:
eww disgusting
First time chat with Weisheng like damn long today!
Found out we had a lot of common experiences.
Mrs Lock ask who wants to go to the CCA investiture thing,
I was the first to raise my hand.
"Got SC right?"
You know why I asked.
Speaking of SCs, Shen Hang, or sth is the President of the Student Council.
Just now, after school he walked past the class room,
without thinking I shouted, "Bye President!"
I waved,
then he waved back.
Season 4 of Lost should be good, I really want to watch it.
When I saw that floppy hairstyle, I just knew it was him.
He made my day, yet again. Thanks, even if he won't even read this.
He's the sunflower that made me smile all the time.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
What's really going on
Taken from Maisarah's blog.
Hi, back from Night Cycling.
From Tampines Swimming Complex to East Coast Park, is roughly 28 kilometres.
Somehow, I feel that Saturday was a long time ago.
Probably cause we cycled the whole night,
so my interpretations of day and night switched.
Crap la, don't mind me.
Won't go into detail,
just that, it was really, really tiring.
When we were passing through Changi, the carpark near the foodcourt there,
got prostitude, but she's not a girl.
You get what I mean.
I was one of the last to finish the journey,
cause when I was nearing the end point,
I started hyperventilating, wheezing whatever.
Just couldn't breathe. I panicked and immediately stopped.
Really, it was scary cause, I was making these weird noises when I tried to breathe in.
We watch the sun rise.
I have never seen the sunrise before,
and believe me, it was beautiful.
Just realized got a lot of homework.
Listen to Vampire Weekend, although they may sound corny.
The guys are uber cute.
To . For your info, I've apologized to the poor boy.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Did he have to complain to his form teacher?
He cannot even take a joke.
Ok fine, I know I acted like some kind of hooligan,
but it was meant to be a joke, idiot.
I just want my classroom back, now.
And please la, cannot even sit in classroom,
you think we what tigers and lions that can eat you anytime.
Such spoilt brats and COWARDS.
Was almost late for school yesterday.
Thanks for helping me carry my books.
Hope Syahid and Yanyi like their presents,
although they were nothing special.
Oh ya,
Practice today.
After practice was the fun part.
Just realized that I don't really hate Jessie now.
Deep down, I know everyone has her good and bad points.
I bought the balloons and the bubbles
Eric bought the cakes, one for Jessie and one for Victor.
Unfortunately, Victor already knew about this small farewell party.
LC ask Percussion to got to the canteen.
Eric left 30 minutes earlier to fill the balloons with water.
So I was asked to occupy Jessie for a while,
J:Who wants this last MnM?
S:Lets give this to S****N.
A: NO!
That kept us occupied for about two minutes.
We all kena scold by Mr Fong.
Band, erhu people, elly, yanyi and yiliang saw us.
The driest was probably Maisarah.
I smelled like chocolate.
Then I went home, and realized there was chocolate mousse in my ear.
Going Night Cycling later, organized by the Mosque where I take my religious classes.
Currently waiting for Jeremy's anticipated post.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
If you just realize
Miss Chua is a very boring person. You look at her talking and, wham! you feel like you rather do something other than learn Math from her.
Take just now, I didn't listen to her at all at the computer lab. Instead I played City Bloxxx on Zulaiha's phone(I beat her tower height record by the way, 38 floors. But Tau pro, 52 floors.).
Personally, I prefer Mr Lee.
Homec was... the usual. Frankly, I had been nice to Atika, nicer than last year anyway. But perhaps too nice. Since she kept coming over to my table just now.
Mother Tongue has become too bored for me to care.
Syafiq and Imen said I'm like a grandmother(a bit outdated luh). Even Cikgu, cause I talk a lot, and I actually do sound like one.
English was okay, though with Mrs Lock gone, like got more work. Natasya, Syahid and George was horny, so I became horny.
Mr Vincent Lee came to our class just as we were headed for MT. He was calling all the tworsevenians. (cool!) He announced that we are going to have to change classes with the onersevenians, all because of a guy who broke his foot.
I do not want that oneroneans classroom, whose ventilation sucks.
On the way to MT, Nat, Tau, Farahin,Zul and me stopped by onerseven, saw Natasha and asked her who is the boy who broke his foot. "You came to visit isit?"
I scolded the boy sia.
Weisheng's phone has a vibrator, which he send to George, who put it in his mouth. Weisheng showed me the About of the application.
For the pleasure for women."
SOMETHING like that.
After school went to look for Mr Leonard Tan with Tau to go back her phone
as Mrs Lock told her to meet him. Couldn't find him though. All seven of us then went to TM, to buy Syahid's present. Got sidetracked lots of times. Then all of us went to the playground near S11. Can't tell what we did, cause its related to Syahid's present. See it in class tomorrow.
Dad has got to renew the Kaspersky Anti Virus licence thingy,
cause the message, "Update cannot start because licence has expired." keeps popping out.
Speaking of Dad, he's currently giving Math tuition to sis, whose Math grade keeps falling every test. It is a horror teaching her, she's Primary 4 yet even the most basic essential skills are missing in her. She doesn't pay attention in class. Under the bad influence of her so called friends, she has become from bad to worse.
You just have to stop. People are trying to study, and you blast the TV volume. I noticed when you insisted you wanted to watch your bloody news on the new plasma TV instead of the one in the study room. Before there even was the plasma, you wouldn't care if it was a small tv. Do you think this house is a hotel? Sleep, eat, sit, brag and watch tv is all that you do. Don't you know how to make yourself useful? No wonder Sis never talk to you at all. Do you think everything comes for free here in this house? Help my other Grandma cook la, instead of sitting on you darn arse. I rather you move out. It will be quieter, trust me.
I'm trying to see which alignment is easier to read, left or middle.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I forgot to blog about how my hiccups were gone.
All thanks to Weisheng.
During Science yesterday,
I was hicupping so loud until Zuaiha could hear me.
Then Weisheng suggested I hold my breath,
Jloh say hold for two minutes.
I was like whatthehell?
Each time I hiccup, people will turn around to look at me.
Then break, I walked behind Weisheng and gang.
I continued hicupping, it wasn't deliberate okay.
Then Weisheng turned to me andsaid, "Must shock you.
"Then he turn back around.
What came next was unexpected.
He turn around and said Rar, kinda like when Yao Zhi said it,
but a bit more fiece, but apparently, not enough to scare me.
SURPRISINGLY, my hiccups were gone after that.
How cool is that?
Weisheng so powerful hor.
Skipped CCL today.
I like Percussion's other teacher.
Helped Imen with Malay homework today.
I love her headphones,
although green isn't my colour.
Truth to be told,
I was talking about Siying in my Its Empty post.
I was just sick of her.
No offence there.
Excuse me while I ask Syahid why he and George stared at me after they whispered to each other.
After which George said, "Right?"
The thoughts of you have not gone away
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Steady hands just take the wheel
Zachary looks so damn cute yesterday in Heroes.
Khalis watch sia.
Literature was okay,
7.5 -8.5
Derrick show-off.
I feel bloody guilty.
And I deserve to be called a dork,
not Jloh.

Monday, April 7, 2008
Its empty
like she was seriously mad.
Jeremy hit her eye with the dustpan or something,
and she started chasing and hitting him.
It was hilarious.
Then during Mother Tongue she decide to apologize,
which I think she did.
Did you?
Okay whatever, just now I slept during MT test.
Cause I didn't get enough sleep last night since
I watched The Spiderwick Chronicles and Meet The Spartans(both pirated).
TSC was okay, but it was really frustrating at the starting
cause Jared siblings just won't believe him.
But Meet The Spartans just left me laughing on the floor.
Spartan men greet each other with an open mouth kiss.
Its just disgustingly funny.
Stayed back with a bunch of people to rehearse for Lit,
Amirah's group was really funny.
George coward wor.
He Malvolio mah, then, Far is Olivia.
Farris came,
George scared to say his "Come to bed" line,
cause Farris there.
Weisheng and George kept making horny noises which really cracked me up.
Gosh, horny-ing is fun.
So our group is settled, but I don't think we are very ready.
Thanks for the presents,
Syaheeed, Natasya, Shan Xuan and Atika (T.T)
Major haircut desires were roaming,
Tau cut her hair, very cute la de.
Khalis too.
What is the big deal?
I do not understand why you care so much about who likes who.
You talked about people, but did you take a look at yourself first, you flirt?
You are such a despo, even with Derrick you flirt.
You already have your precious guy whom I don't even think is a guy.
What, just because someone says you and him are together,
doesn't mean you have to attract attention by denying it right?
Face it, you are one hell of an asshole.
Its not a secret anymore,
but do you have to reveal others,
just so to have the feeling of being superior just for once?
What, you yourself are experiencing the same feeling as others who are crushing does.
Don't you think you and him make an odd couple?
If you can be one, so why can't they?
Just shut up you bitch.
I do not know why I am speaking up.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Maybe we're torn apart
Aunt who smsed on the dot,
at 00:00:00,
Hong Zhang,
cucuku Imen,
Kak Nur,
Advanced wishes
Hong Zhang,
Friendster comments
Hong Zhang,
Said words
Lots of people to thank.
So yesterday went out to Pizza Hut,
wore nothing special,
just my normal black jeans, blue shirt and white jacket.
Un-surprisingly, was given money.
REMINDER: Give Chuting back her earphones.
My very sweet chocolate cake went into my jacket.
Went home and use Sis' laptop to ask Hong Zhang for Step Up 2 songs.
Read his and Jeremy's blog,
Nice lyrics btw Jeremy.
I totally love the picture Hong Zhang editted.
Yesterday ate a lot so today I'm going to the reservoir(again).
Things weren't going my way in the morning so I threw tantrums, again.
When I left for class, I said goodbye to Mum,
and when I reach the lift,
I realized I was really rude to Mum,
So I turned and said bye again,
only to be answered by the slamming of the door.
Was almost late for class.
Ustaz told us that a Dutch minister or something produced a clip about how Islam is responsible for all those terrorist stuff.
Ustaz said he just misinterpreted the Quran.
Speaking of Quran, I asked Ustaz to buy me an English translated one,
since I don't understand the Indonesian one at home.
Also, I wanted to borrow his father-in-law's book entitled The 100,
Nabilah kept banging her phone cause someone called her during class.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sorry was never it.
Happy belated to Kiangyong!
Happy Birthday Aunt!
NLB trip is !
Somehow I have lesser to blog about since most of my thoughts I have to keep to myself,
in case I hurt somebody.
Its been a really rough week, I know.
Guess the whole class can tell the tension between us EGGz.
Especially when Tauhidah & me changed places just now.
But it has cool down during the NLB trip, thankfully.
Atika gave me a pair of studs. Lol
Shan Xuan gave me this lovely round thing which I suppose is a handphone holder.
Its not yet, my birthday I mean.
I have absolutely no plans for tomorrow.
Stayed back yesterday with Zulaiha, practising for our Lit.
Then we improvised a bit.
Zulaiha suggest that we say, "That" with a certain accent in our voices.
One of my lines is,
"Nonsense? Hardly! Who wouldn't be send to IMH if they were dressed like that?
(Looks at Jloh, in a certain way)"
Weisheng said he called me at the bus stop yesterday, I never hear.
So sorry lol.
His temporary phone damn nice lor,
Wth, Alvin play snakes on my phone until my battery dead.
Try as might, I can't make this post longer.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Not a hero
(Pirated dvd)
Speaking of which, I have yet to return Jeremy's Lost.
Even though I have watch it on tv.

"I'm Robert Alexander the Third,
but you can call me Moose.
No, no, you gotta blow it up,
like this,
(punches Andie's fist,
then opened up his fist)
And like this.
(Pulls his hand back making a weird sound effect)"
Thanks to Shai for creating the script!
HAHA! Jeremy Loh will be playing Malvolio and will have to wear high socks and pants.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Yesterday was good.
People have something against me today.
Gym-ed with Zulaiha & Farahin.
Not as satisfying as jogging around the reservoir.
31636281 2253216132 8274
936382 912162813231 8163 3163 814232 744232 742373437181 9363827374325333
The beat like damn fast.
Then the percussion so pro.
If we ever reach like even a fraction of their standard,
I guess we can all pat ourselves on the back.
Seriously, compared to them we are like the sound of the gentle breeze blowing.