School is starting to suck big time.
Whats with me getting labeled emo every other day.
So, George became more hardworking.
And Jeremy is still singing as badly.
CO sucks more than ever.
Wait, more like Percussion sucks more than ever.
Jessie, if you ever read this,
these are the unspoken things I would like to say to you.
Stop giving us that look when we make mistakes. You're no better than we are either.
Just because you are a senior doesn't mean we can't talk back at you.
You aren't the best percussionist around you know,
Don't think you're the best just because you are a senior.
Stop criticizing us, especially Stephanie.
Stop thinking we are dumb.
You're a senior but do you treat us like your juniors?
If not for the hope I have, I would have quit.
I wish you would improve that fucking attitude of yours.
I didn't notice this when I first started last year.
It suddenly came to me one.
So its no wonder I was pissed and in a bad mood when I came for practice today.
Took 28.
Saw Tauhidah and Aizat.
Not talking at all, I walked into the CD shelter.
Sat and started staring somewhere.
Eric asked me what was wrong.
And I nodded my head towards Jessie.
Then he ask me sit somewhere else with him,
while people were practising for CNY.
I told him what I wanted to tell him.
And I abruptly went out of the shelter, with the excuse of going to toilet.
There, I ended up crying, like wth right?
Didn't tell Eric lah.
He doesn't read my blog.
I felt so stupid for crying.
Its just that I had so much anger against Jessie,
that I just broke down.
Then I returned, wait for people to go out.
Yiliang said hello to me.
Managed to say hi back.
Cheered me up a little bit.
But still mad.
Yiliang, you were so right to quit percussion.
The senior[s] totally suck.
Now, I can't quite agree with everything that Jessie decides.
So, I really need to put all those negative feelings aside
in order to stop percussion from falling apart.